Monday, October 6, 2014

A Slumber Party?!?! Are We Here Already?

Over the weekend Sam had his first slumber party. How are we already here? Granted, Sam's friend's mommy is one of my absolute nearest and dearest for the last 25 years AND she stayed the night too, but still, it's trip to think of him "having friends". The short answer is "Of course he will." He's going to have a million friends over his life; some for a reason, some for a season, and some for life. And I want that, I really do but it all happens so fast. The best part of his slumber party was having a glass of wine and listening to their conversation once the mommies were out of the room. AND they're too little to have reached any sort of stinky boy phase that they seem to hit about 10-13. It was just sweet, innocent talk about how monster's aren't real, which toys are their favorites, and their pajamas. They may not remember their first "friend sleepover" but I don't think I'll ever forget the innocence and excitement at staying up WAY past their bed time!
He was mine again the next day and we had a blast at the pumpkin patch. This is my most wonderful time of the year and I'm working on some Halloween ideas, costumes included. Stay tuned.......
Corn Maze
This giant mama pig was his favorite!

Another first, his first caramel apple, and yes he ate the apple too, not just the caramel.


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