Thursday, August 28, 2014

Prosperity Took A Weird Form This Morning

Prosperity straight ahead, be on the lookout!
It's been a tough14 or so hours. I was already smarting since Jeff's flight had been cancelled and he would be away from home another day. Then last night, while out to dinner for my brother's girlfriend's birthday, Sam had a major diaper issue. I have never seen anything like it (thank goodness!!!!). I will not go into detail because ew, but I had to grab him, grab my purse and RUN out. By the time I got us to the car, I had to strip him completely nude and do my best with baby wipes and a towel from the trunk of the car. How silly is my emergency kit now?!?! As for me, well I couldn't get naked in the parking lot so I dealt with it for the drive across town......with all the windows down.......Sam upset in the back seat.......speeding a little to get home as fast as possible.
I got us all cleaned up once we got home and my brother and his girlfriend brought me my dinner and some cake so I really thought the night had turned around. Not even a little bit. Sam was still so wound up and kind of upset and WOULD NOT GO TO SLEEP. Then when he went to sleep, he WOULD NOT STAY ASLEEP. It's part of being a parent, but damn, it's a hard one. To know that he will likely sleep much of the next morning while you drag yourself through the workday, feeling guilty for leaving him after he had such a tough night.
I was feeling pretty low, and plenty exhausted, this morning and decided F it, I'm having Sonic for breakfast. If you follow my Eat To Live Journey, stop reading here :). I 100% thumbed my nose at my journey and ordered mozzarella sticks and a giant soda. It did seem to be taking longer than normal from what I remembered about ordering cheese sticks but really, I was happy to have a moment alone in the fabulously quiet car to flip through social media while I waited so I wasn't upset or annoyed. The car hop came out and was overly apologetic for my wait and explained that my first order had exploded in the fryer and they had had to make the order again. She then offered me my order free of charge AND gave me coupons for my next visit. Upon being assured that the fry cook didn't suffer any burns from the exploding cheese sticks, I graciously accepted the delicious fried cheese and sugar laden soda on the house.
In the midst of the overnight activities, I was going through some upcoming bills in my head and praying for a little prosperity. I used to feel bad for praying for such things but this is the real world and sometimes I am selfish. Also, my prayers for me hold the minority position to my prayers for others so I just don't feel so bad when I pray for me and my household anymore. What I think is interesting is how my prayer was answered; not exactly as I'd hoped it would be, but how I most needed it in the moment of this morning.
It's funny how life works. I am humbled by this seemingly small reminder to be on the lookout for my gifts, big and small. I will be thankful for the prosperity and abundance offered to me in all it's forms, even if it's just some cheese sticks and a soda. And so it is.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It Was Just One Of Those Moments, But Forever Burned Into My Memory

Sam likes it when I sing to him. He may be the only one, but he REALLY likes it. We have a roster of 4-5 songs that are in heavy rotation and a couple that leap in from time to time. This is a far cry from when he was a newborn, and I a terrified, first time, new mother. I remember a middle of the night feeding when Sam was about 3 months old. He was cranky even after his belly was full and his diaper was dry so I decided to try singing. I was panicked because in the exhausted haze of sleep deprivation, first time motherhood, and eagerness to sooth my child, I could only think of one song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Because it calmed him and it felt so good to hold a warm, content, quiet angel who couldn't seem to take his eyes off of mine as long as I was singing, I maybe sang it 35 times that night.
Cut to 2 1/2 years later. We all get full nights of sleep now, I am WAY over the brand new mommy panic, and Sam will ask me to sing to him at random times, not just in the dark of his bedroom as he falls asleep. We love The Beach Boys' "God Only Knows", Edith Paif's "La Vie En Rose", Elton John's "Your Song", and Elvis Presley's "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" (okay this one comes out a bit more like the UB40 version). As with many things, Sam's preferences are really starting to show and last night he insisted I sing "da why am I burr song". I racked my brain but couldn't think of any songs about cold that I had sung to him recently. I started a couple other songs but it wasn't any of those. I asked if he could remember anything else about the song. He replied "da why am I burr song", "da one if da angels", and finally the one that brought it home "la, la, la, la, la".
It had been a while but a song that I used to sing to Sam quite frequently was the Carpenters' "Close To You". I started singing "Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near" and his eyes lit up like they were on fire, he smiled so wide I thought his cheeks might crack, and his little hands couldn't clap fast enough. "Dat one mommy, dat one, da why am I burr song"!! It's ahhhhhhh-mazing what they hear, how they process information and what they remember. Last night was a little like that night so long ago. I must have sang "da why am I burr" song 20 times before he was sated.
And honestly, in those moments of perfect, cuddly, quiet, happy, peaceful contentment that can be rare with a two year old, it took me that long to be sated too. It was a moment when all of the hectic frustration that two year olds feel, and everyone who lives in the house with them get to feel too just falls away. It was a heavenly moment. A truly peaceful, nothing else matters moment. A snippet of time where I was completely, utterly, IN the moment. It was our moment, and it was good.
Hold him a little longer.
Rock him a little more.
Tell him another story
(you've only told him four).
Let him sleep on your shoulder.
Rejoice in his happy smile.
He is only two and a half
for such a little while!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

There's Nothing To Do Around Here.........I Call BS!!!!

I absolutely shudder when I hear people say, there's nothing to do around here. Ok, I know it's part of my job as a Chamber rep to know what is going on in the area but even if it wasn't, I would find a way to find out where the fun is. Why, because I like fun, I like laughing, I like watching Sam laugh, I like creating memories, and I like finding new cool things!
Not far from where I live, the Friestatt Lion's Club puts on an Missouri....outside. Sound hot? It is, but it's also a cheap(ish) night of fun! Bier Garten for mom and dad, carnival rides and games for the kiddos, polka, brats, and strudel for everyone!!!!
I hadn't been since I was about 10, and Jeff, Sam, and my brother's girlfriend Tristan had never been. Win, win, win. Sam went absolutely ape for the little car ride and the giant slide and because he's ridiculously adorable, I had a hard time choosing which picture to use to show him off so...........

This is not even all on the same ride cycle, this is three different times. Oh, but there were more rides.
And then, there was the slide. We spent about $20 (that's why I said cheap(ish) fun above) and half an hour JUST on the slide. I'll bet we went down 8-10 times. Thank goodness there wasn't much of a line. Sam even convinced an always stoic, sometimes stick-in-the-mud Uncle Tyson to go down the slide. That's an achievement!

So the rides could use a paint job and you couldn't pay me to get on the ferris wheel. Sam didn't notice the chipped paint and the squeaky cars, dragons, lady bugs, and horses were drowned out by his laughter.
It also turns out that Tristan has a hell of a throwing arm! Three creepy, stuffed clowns knocked over just like that. One, two three, hello giant teddy bear. Sam loves him and named him Sunshine which is really cool because that's the name of Tristan's blog and there's just no way he could know that. Hmmmmmm. Anyway, a giant blue bear named Sunshine lives in Sam's bed now.
We had an absolute feast for dinner and I found a new beer that I love.
My point is this. If you aren't sure what is going on in your area, log on to Facebook, check the bulletin board at the library, or even call your local Chamber or CVB. And NEVER say "there's nothing going on". You may have to drive 30 whole minutes like we did but fun is out there, waiting to be found.
Find it!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sam's Dreams Are SOOOO Dreamy

The weekend is a really exciting time for Sam for lots of reasons. Most recently, he is in love with Saturday and Sunday naps because on those days, and only those days, at nap time, and only nap time, he is allowed to sleep on Mommy and Daddy's bed. We typically have lots of snuggle, play, and story time on our bed after bath time each night but being allowed to nap there is just altogether different. It is special to him.
From night two home from the hospital, I have been anti co-sleeping (For us only, don't get angry at me if it works for you. I am not saying what's right, I'm saying what worked for us.) After two nights of intermittently waking up with my pillow on his face, or rolling onto him, or puppies laying on him, I realized in order for all of us to sleep well we would not be able to move forward as a co-sleeping unit. And now that's he's 2 1/2, forget about it, he just can't sleep in a room with us. And I don't mean that by my choice. He doesn't like it. Not overnight anyway.
Saturday afternoon I went to wake him from his nap and when I walked in, I thought he was awake and just laying, staring out the window. Either he had JUST opened his eyes or he was in that sort of in-between place. When I laid down next to him, he turned to me and sleepily said "Mommy, you was stuck out in dat boat with dos bad guys and I was saving you. I was saving you lots. We so happy." And then he tucked his little angel face into my neck, clutched his lovey up tight between us, and we laid there for what could never be long enough, and somehow, I fell deeper in love with him again. Seriously, how does he do that?!?!
So he's remembering dreams now. And he's dreaming of me, and saving me in his dreams. Le sigh! These are without question the moments that make all of the screaming, crying, hitting, tantrums, and two-ness of a two year old worth it. I can't wait to hear about all of his dreams from now until he's too cool to tell me anymore. And no matter how many times he "saves" girls in his dreams throughout his life, he saved me first. And I get to have that forever!
Two years ago, I would have been in a hurry to get on to the next task and rushed him awake for something. Okay, all bullshit aside, I don't even think I could have slowed down and relished the moment with a "right here, right now" state of mind  like that six months ago.  But I'm getting better. Lot's better. I am thankful to a two year old with no patience who has given me the ultimate gift of better patience and the presence of mind to BE in the present. The time is going SO fast so I adore the moments when there is no time, just the moment. And I stop. And I listen. And I feel. And I hold. And I am deeply, deeply grateful.
If you're like me; a task completer, a projector, a got-to-get-it-done type, you know the type.......the type that will go back downstairs after they're in bed for the night if they realize there might be three dishes in the sink because God forbid, they leave dishes.........stop sometimes. And if that's hard for you, fake it till you make it. Because eventually maybe you'll find yourself lots of minutes (Don't count. Don't you dare clock watch.) into a pretty serious snuggle-after-naptime-session and it'll be sooooooooo sweet. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The World According To Barney Stinson and Garp

So yesterday sucked. I don't pretend to understand what it is like to be clinically depressed, bipolar, and/or see no way out. And Robin Williams was not a personal friend, nor was he a relative, so my response to the news of his death surprised me. I think it's because he was a giant presence who was just always there in each decade's pop cultural zeitgeist. From my desire and subsequent acquisition of the Mork suspenders in the 70s to my sincere hope that his most recent venture of The Crazy Ones with Buffy herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar, would be wildly funny. Sadly it wasn't but I was rooting for a chance to welcome him into my living room each week!
I'm terrible at being sad though. I prefer Barney Stinson's point of view.
I was also reminded of a line from one of my favorite Robin Williams movies, The World According to Garp. Garp's mother Jenny says "You know, everybody dies. My parents died. Your father died. Everybody dies. I'm going to die too. So will you. The thing is, to have a life before we die. It can be a real adventure having a life."
I agree to both......madly; be awesome AND have adventures every chance you get. We have had some pretty cool adventures lately, some big firsts for Sam!
The town that I work in has an absolutely ENORMOUS Vietnamese Catholic religious festival in August of every year. The festival is open to the public as well and everyone is welcomed and  invited to visit the festival for information, meals, shopping, and praying with the over 60,000 Fathers, Brothers, Nuns and pilgrims that come from all over the world. I adore Vietnamese food and find the culture fascinating and haven't missed a chance to join them in years. The last 2 years we didn't take Sam so decided to let him experience it with us this year.
What to order? What to order?

Boba drinks are awesome!!!!!

You can't go wrong no matter what you choose.

This sauce is yummy mom!

The Pho and summer rolls are our favorite!

Hurry with my mango Boba please!

We also got to spend some time at our area water festival over the weekend. Sam hadn't been able to really enjoy the festival in the past because he wasn't as mobile as he is now. Unfortunately, bad weather cut the day short but the first part was sweet! Sam wasn't quite old enough for the shoebox races but the cool conservation minded schwag, creek side grilled hot dogs, and bounce houses more than made up for that. The cardboard boat races were rained out......maybe next year!

Shoebox races.

Delicious hot dogs!

Bounce houses RULE

And finally, not only did Jeff find the most wonderful product for my plantar fasciitis (like seriously, if you suffer from plantar fasciitis, log on to Amazon IMMEDIATELY and order the OrthoSleeve Compression Foot Sleeve) but then my sweet, adorable Sam wanted some "socks to make his foot all the way better like mommy's". His heart makes my heart so full I think I can't hold it all.

These are the things I hold on to when life is kicking me in the teeth or shit just gets too real. I encourage everyone to find something in life that is satisfying, that always tastes sweet. For us it's adventures together.

I know for millions it isn't this easy. If you can't find your way out and if you need it, ASK FOR HELP. Do not suffer in silence. No more stigma, no more being ashamed, no more embarrassment, no more torturing yourself. I hope the dialogue on what has been swept under too many rugs for far too long is blown wide open this time. That would be the only good thing that could come of this.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Things I Learned About Traveling To Las Vegas With Kids By NOT Traveling To Las Vegas With Kids

I am not typically judgy of the way others raise their children. See HERE. I figure your kids, your rules. Your kids, your discretion. Your kids, your decisions. And I won't be shaming you because.........your kids, your fall-out when things go wonky. However, over the weekend I was in Las Vegas celebrating my 40th birthday (I know right. I look pretty good for 40) and I made a few observations about a town held by many to be a great place for a family vacation.
Here are a couple quotes taken directly from pro-Vegas family destination websites.
"The entire family can have a good time in Las Vegas and it does not have to seem like an excuse for the adults to get away."
"Kids can have a good time in Las Vegas and the adults will not feel as if they have chosen a destination that is not child friendly."
"The Las Vegas of today is a fun family holiday destination, with theme parks, aquariums, cinemas, bowling alleys, hi-tech video arcades, and even child-friendly stage shows."
Some of these things are true. Places like theme parks, aquariums, child friendly shows and the like do exist. So, I guess if you're coming to visit from another country and Vegas is an American "must do" for you, or you just can't bear a vacation away from parenting duties (HA), you could make it family friendly with a little extra planning. NO WAY FOR US. If you do decide to go ahead or are thinking about it, here are a couple thoughts.
If the child(ren) has been passed out in their stroller for more than an hour, TAKE THEM TO BED.
If it's after 9PM......10PM......2AM, TAKE THEM TO BED.
It's smoky there, everywhere.
There are adult beverages there, everywhere.
There's gambling there, everywhere.
There is dirty language there, everywhere.
There are boobs there, everywhere.
The M&M store, the Coke store, the Hello Kitty shops, everything really, is crazy expensive! But they'll want to go in. The store fronts are decorated up to be irresistible. Find souvenirs elsewhere.
I don't care what any article, travel brochure, review, or travel agent says, it is not a place for children in my opinion. I'd like Sam to have a few more years before he's exposed to naked, cursing, loud, drunken, gambling, revelry. But me, I was there for loud, drunken, gambling, cursing, naked (in the room of course) revelry.
That to me, is a Vegas vacation and I don't feel a bit bad for wanting, needing, and taking time to recharge my battery, and have some romance, while Sam was back home, playing in the sprinkler with his cousins and making cornstarch dough keychains for us. Fabulous, innocent kid's stuff.
I am a mother yes. I am also a grown-up who adored the chance to be a little nuts, and stay up really late, for a couple days without trying to shield Sam from the giant topless woman with a tiny fireman's hat and even tinier flame shaped pasties. Or the drunken (possibly dead) guy passed out in puke. Or the 10 million F bombs from every direction. Or the "card flippers". Or the constant swirl of smoke all around us.
Parents, you know nearly 3 year olds are the kings and queens of "why?" and "what is that?". There's just too much I'm not ready to explain about adult behavior. Las Vegas........I'm not ready to explain Las Vegas.