Thursday, September 11, 2014

He's MY Baby Too!

Sam will be three sooner than I want to think about and although I feel like I'm doing most things somewhere from well to awesome for his development, weeks like the last couple make me wonder about my ranking. I know there's no attachment issue because he's a loving, cuddly guy with me. But then Daddy walks into the room, or gets home, or comes through the door behind me AND........I'm chopped liver.
So, I wait...........
I read again and again how kiddos go through phases but in my head, I whine "when is it MY turn, when is the Mommy phase"? Now, he does go through phases where he seems equally a mommy's and a daddy's boy but it's only when Jeff is traveling for work (which he's done a TON of this year) that's he's mine, all mine. And yes, I do realize that it is probably exacerbated by how much Jeff has been gone. And yes, I also realize that Sam and I could not possibly be luckier to have the kind of man, husband, and daddy that Jeff is.
So, I wait...........
The first one of these phases happened WAY back when Sam was only 6 or so months old and cried and cried and cried if I tried to hold him when he could see Jeff in the room. Then, every few months or so, it all begins again. Right now it's "you can't get me out" (to me) when it's time to get out of the car, "you can't get me in" (to me) when it's time to get in the car, "where's my Daddy, you can't wake me up" (to me) when I wake him up, "where's Daddy, Daddy do stories" (to me) when it's time to go to bed, and "no, Daddy hold me" (to me) ALL the time. The one time I'm actually 100% fine with it is when it's "no, you not change my pull-up, Daddy do it".
So, I wait...........
I keep on plugging, making breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making his special "chocolate milk", giving bath time, and yes even taking my 50% turns with bedtime, even when he's asking for Daddy. And I do so with so much love in my heart that I feel like I'll burst, because regardless of his preference he IS mine, just not ALL mine. There are brief moments before he realizes Jeff has left the room that he's curled into me that are heaven, and there are times when he falls and runs to me that I hate because he's hurt, but secretly love because it's me he runs to, and there are the 24-7-365 that no matter what ever happens, he's MY baby too.
And so, I wait for my turn...........

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