Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Hereby Decree NOT To Do The Following Things (Which REALLY Piss Me Off) In The Future

I'm typically a happy person, not generally prone to throwing my emotions about, or complaining about the world around me. Sometimes, just sometimes, all forces combine on particular days and I can't help myself. However, in an effort to be constructive by way of example versus just another bitchy, busy, working mom, the following are commitments made to my future, hopefully retired, 60-65ish year old self that I might be a conscientious (i.e. not an asshole) member of my community, at least during the classic workday hours.
1) I hereby decree that if I drive between the hours of 7:20-8:30 AM, 11 AM-1 PM, or 4-6 PM, I will do so with purpose, and drive the frickin speed limit or better at all times. I will have a place to be, and I will have a plan to get there. No Sunday driving for me during workday busy times. NONE!! Not allowed, ever, ever, ever.
2) I hereby decree that I will not wander the aisles of the grocery store aimlessly between the hours of 11 AM-1 PM, Monday-Friday blocking aisles, reading EVERY pickle jar or frozen dinner box (why?), clogging aisles to gossip with the other people who have nothing else to do, and hurumphing at very polite "excuse me" requests. VERY busy mothers who have NO OTHER TIME than their lunch hours (unless they want to shop on Saturday with a pissy, screaming, running-away-from-me toddler who won't shut up about soda, candy, and cookies)  are likely trying to purchase the food which they will then bust ass on Sundays during nap time to get cooked for the whole week so that they might nourish family with healthy, unprocessed, homemade food which only needs to be heated up when they get home from work so they can enjoy a little family time during the week.
3) I hereby decree that I will not stop at the entrance to a round-a-bout when there is NO OTHER TRAFFIC COMING. That's a yield, not a stop, and as previously mentioned there's NO OTHER TRAFFIC COMING.......at all.......from any direction. It's dangerous to everyone behind you who didn't stop and didn't expect to because YOU DON'T STOP IF NO ONE IS COMING. Further, I WILL NOT STOP once I'm in the round-a-bout to let someone else in as this IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. If you're unsure how a round-a-bout works, ask someone, look it up, or don't drive!
On a side note, when people don't give the customary wave when you let them into traffic, it's okay to feel nasty thoughts at those people. It's also okay to wish a poor nights sleep, or a little diarrhea, or something awful but not long lasting on them! And flip them off.....when your kids aren't in the car of course.
As Dennis Miller was famous for saying to end a rant...... but maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm just a bitch and no one else notices what I notice and/or isn't bothered by a world in which people's give-a-damns seem to be busted. Or maybe I'll totally forget by the time I'm 60-65ish and 100% live in my own, rude, self-centered, unempathetic bubble. But I doubt it. It's right here in black and white to hold me accountable. And I don't think asshole is a name I'm known for.
I feel tons better now that that's off my chest.
If one person learned anything from my example, I'll be thrilled.
I'm in a happy, peaceful, loving place again.
Until the next time...................

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