Prosperity straight ahead, be on the lookout! |
It's been a tough14 or so hours. I was already smarting since Jeff's flight had been cancelled and he would be away from home another day. Then last night, while out to dinner for my brother's girlfriend's birthday, Sam had a major diaper issue. I have never seen anything like it (thank goodness!!!!). I will not go into detail because ew, but I had to grab him, grab my purse and RUN out. By the time I got us to the car, I had to strip him completely nude and do my best with baby wipes and a towel from the trunk of the car. How silly is my emergency kit now?!?! As for me, well I couldn't get naked in the parking lot so I dealt with it for the drive across town......with all the windows down.......Sam upset in the back seat.......speeding a little to get home as fast as possible.
I got us all cleaned up once we got home and my brother and his girlfriend brought me my dinner and some cake so I really thought the night had turned around. Not even a little bit. Sam was still so wound up and kind of upset and WOULD NOT GO TO SLEEP. Then when he went to sleep, he WOULD NOT STAY ASLEEP. It's part of being a parent, but damn, it's a hard one. To know that he will likely sleep much of the next morning while you drag yourself through the workday, feeling guilty for leaving him after he had such a tough night.
I was feeling pretty low, and plenty exhausted, this morning and decided F it, I'm having Sonic for breakfast. If you follow my Eat To Live Journey, stop reading here :). I 100% thumbed my nose at my journey and ordered mozzarella sticks and a giant soda. It did seem to be taking longer than normal from what I remembered about ordering cheese sticks but really, I was happy to have a moment alone in the fabulously quiet car to flip through social media while I waited so I wasn't upset or annoyed. The car hop came out and was overly apologetic for my wait and explained that my first order had exploded in the fryer and they had had to make the order again. She then offered me my order free of charge AND gave me coupons for my next visit. Upon being assured that the fry cook didn't suffer any burns from the exploding cheese sticks, I graciously accepted the delicious fried cheese and sugar laden soda on the house.
In the midst of the overnight activities, I was going through some upcoming bills in my head and praying for a little prosperity. I used to feel bad for praying for such things but this is the real world and sometimes I am selfish. Also, my prayers for me hold the minority position to my prayers for others so I just don't feel so bad when I pray for me and my household anymore. What I think is interesting is how my prayer was answered; not exactly as I'd hoped it would be, but how I most needed it in the moment of this morning.
It's funny how life works. I am humbled by this seemingly small reminder to be on the lookout for my gifts, big and small. I will be thankful for the prosperity and abundance offered to me in all it's forms, even if it's just some cheese sticks and a soda. And so it is.