Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Found It, After 25 Years, I Found The Perfect Planner!

I have maybe purchased 50-60 planners in my life. Of course, you need one at least every year, but me, me I usually become frustrated after a while OR better yet, just find the BBD (bigger, better deal) and get more than one per year. Those days are over. I found the perfect one! I've had it since December and I still adore it every day.
I know what you might be thinking..."Hey, you dinosaur, why do you need a planner? Don't you have a phone?". The truth is, even with my phone, tablet, laptop, and work computer, I still hold the paper planner sacred. To me there is no satisfaction in clicking a box in Outlook and adding a calendar item. I do it, but only to the things that affect my work time and that my co-workers need to know about as a result. My paper planner is really where it's at. It holds everything; my work appointments, personal appointments for me, Jeff, and Sam, a copy of our weekly menu, my to-do list, my blog post schedule, and tons more!
I'm so excited to share it with you TODAY because the new 18 month, July 2014-December 2015 calendar just went live on their website at midnight. A friend, the 10th or so that I've converted :), tried to log on to get hers first thing and evidently lots of other people are just as excited because the website was temporarily down. I was able to open the website, an promptly did so this morning because even though mine lasts through December, so I won't order my new one for a couple months yet, I wanted to see the new cover options and features. Yep, I'm that huge of a fan and a dork!
You can visit to see a full video of features called Life Planner 101 but here are some of my favorites:

Orange roses are my absolute favorite so this cover was perfect!
There is a 2 page lay-out for each week with three rows titled Morning, Day, and Night. I retitled mine Appointment, To-Do, and Blog to work best for my needs. I use little 1 1/2X2" Post-it notes for the blog posts in case I need to switch anything around. There is also a lined area at the bottom of each column so I can manage what we're having for lunch and dinner. If you haven't read my blog about planning meals a month at a time, find it HERE. Finally, if you have things that need to be done sometime in the week but not on a specific day, you can list it down the left column.
Each month also has a two page lay-out at the beginning of that month that is helpful to track major happenings and appointments so that you don't over-book or schedule conflicts. I also list community events that don't need to receive daily attention here in case I receive inquiry calls within the course of my job.
There is a notes area at the back that is great because I tend to be a list maker. Here, you can see the list of all of the Thirty -One bags on my wish-list so I don't forget what they're called or how much each is during my budgeting process.
The final two inserts are (1) a pocket for holding receipts, loose paper I pick up until I can get the events listed into the planner, coupons I find, etc. and (2) a clear zipper pocket that I use to hold Post-it notes of all sizes for my various needs. you could also place stamps, business cards, or other flat items here.
The back cover is a lovely two year ahead planning section in case, I don't know, you are curious what day your 42 birthday will be on, or when Thanksgiving 2016 will be. I am asked weekly to preplan events far in advance for my job for the first Friday of ______ or the third Saturday of_______, so I love this page!
It's important to note that these planners are not cheap, I paid $50 for mine, but if you love planners, organizing, being organized, and staying organized, this is the planner for you! Get yours HERE!

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