Monday, June 16, 2014

Keep It Simple Stupid!

This post is so simple, it's kind of silly BUT it might just need the little spur you need to help you put your "crazy mommy mind" to rest. Like most mothers who are juggling, children, a home, a job, a husband, friends, aging parents, a budget, and everything else that gets thrown at us day-to-day, I didn't used to sleep well. There are tons of stories and anecdotes out there about how our minds go cuckoo at night with all of the things we have going on, (seriously, google it if you want to see how much!) while our husbands crash straight out when we click the light off.
I used to use my phone to either create a note or send a list, note, or reminder to my work e-mail but the more I read about how artificial light is wrecking our sleep, the more I thought I shouldn't even have the phone in the room, much less shining in my face in a dark bedroom! PUT THE PHONE DOWN!!!! Every day I read Facebook posts along the lines of "I can't sleep", "insomnia sucks", "sandman where are you", etc. Your phone isn't helping!! Stop posting!! Don't pick it up!! Don't turn it on!! It's like a double shot to your brain!! Just don't!!
So what are you going to do to get the info out of your head, in an immediate physical and timeline way, so you can shut the light AND your brain off? I put a cube of cute, local university (and my alma mater) themed sticky notes on my nightstand with a pencil that NEVER leaves its side. Do you hear me hubby and son, don't touch my paper and pencil!!!
This particular note was reminder for me to purchase some greeting cards. Shortly after I took this photo, I added Q-tips to it because I realized we were out. When I wake up, I can stick it to my phone, which then goes downstairs with me, and add it to the master shopping list if it's a to-get, or into my planner if it's a to-do.
Simple, efficient, and mind clearing for a good nights sleep. Three of my favorite things!

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