Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Part Organizational Beast-Part Tree Hugger Semi-Pro

Late last year sometime, I just plain got sick of trying to keep my pretty kitchen towels stain free. I try to be environmentally responsible as much as I can. Not cloth diaper responsible, I just simply could NOT bring myself to that level, but composting, recycling paper and plastic, running appliances outside of peak hours, and trying really hard not to use paper towels for much of anything responsible. I thought that maybe if I had an affordable, easily accessible, pretty (this is very important) alternative I could save my towels and the Earth at the same time.

Enter Dollar Tree.
$6 plus tax later, I had my solution. A pretty red basket that can live next to the sink all of the time and five 3-count packages (mostly so there's never an excuse that there were no clean towels available) of micro fiber towels means my pretty towels stay pretty, my kitchen stays clean, and it takes us a couple months to get through a role of paper towels.
I do sort of wish I'd gotten all white because it's nice to be able to bleach the white ones clean but even the green ones launder really well. We also use cloth napkins at our dinner table almost exclusively, much to the chagrin of a few family members who for whatever reason really want paper (WHY?!?!).
I have learned one very valuable lesson with our cloth napkins and micro fiber kitchen mess towels. Wash them separately if you have animals in your home. The micro fiber LOVES to hang on to dog hair and no one, including animal lover me, wants to open up their napkin and see a dog hair during a meal.
Remember, small changes can make BIG differences!

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