Thursday, June 26, 2014

Microwave Popcorn That Isn't Gross!!!!

I LOVE popcorn. LOVE it! I don't have enough counter space for an air popper and I don't have the skills to make it happen in an electric skillet like my mom did. We used to eat microwave popcorn but lawsuits that began appearing from ill people who worked at a popcorn plant in my region started me down the research road in the early 2000s. Holy Moly, we will never eat that again.
On Pinterest and recipe websites, there are umpteen ways of making your own but most of them call for oil. I just want good old, 30ish calories per cup, air popped popcorn. There is a way, and it's so easy and so much cheaper than microwave popcorn anyway.
Purchase a package of brown paper lunch sacks at Dollar Tree. Pour about 1/2-3/4 Cup of the popcorn kernels of your choice into the bag.

Make sure to fold the bag over pretty tightly twice. Otherwise your microwave will be full of kernels flying around out of the bag. The popcorn setting on my microwave is the perfect amount of time but you may have to play with yours to find the perfect setting. When you started to hear about 2-3 seconds between pops, it's done.

Viola, air popped popcorn in less than three minutes. About 1/2 Cup kernel netted about 2 1/2 Cups popcorn. They are naturally multi-colored as a result of our favorite mixed kernels I purchase at a local Amish grocery store. And yes, those are scorch marks to the right of the bowl. I put a WAY too hot cast iron skillet down for just a second last winter. Oops, guess I'll need new counter tops soon.
There are lots of ways you can season the popcorn. If you like real butter go for it. With the diet choices I make due to health (for more information, you can subscribe to my Eat To Live blog), I go for less naughty choices. Some of our favorites are nutritional yeast, Dr. Braggs Sea Kelp Delight Seasoning, a mix of chili seasoning, cumin, cayenne pepper, and paprika, and a mix of dill and salt/sugar free lemon pepper seasoning. I have also discovered some tricks for helping the spices adhere to the popcorn and not just lay at the bottom of the bowl. A light spritz of olive oil cooking spray, pickle juice, Dr. Bragg's liquid aminos, lemon juice, or flavored vinegar all work. Be sure to use a spritzer with a fine spray or just barely dip your fingers to flick the liquid onto the popcorn, otherwise it'll be a soggy, gross mess. Play with flavors and tailor it to the tastes that are best loved in your house.
P.S. There is one exception to my never again rule with regard to commercial popcorn. The movies!! I will totally eat movie theater popcorn AT the movies and guiltlessly realize that although it's terrible for me, it's delicious and I only get to go to the theater once a year since I have a 2 1/2 year old.


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